Laravel 2.1


Source Files

Install the MyFatoorah Laravel package via myfatoorah/laravel-package composer.

composer require myfatoorah/laravel-package:2.1

Installation steps

  1. Publish the MyFatoorah provider using the following CLI command.
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="MyFatoorah\LaravelPackage\MyFatoorahServiceProvider" --tag="myfatoorah"
  1. To test the payment cycle, type the below URL onto your browser. Replace only the {} with your site domain. You can use the test cards listed on the Test Cards page.
  1. Customize the app/Http/Controllers/MyFatoorahController.php file as per your site needs.

namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use MyFatoorah\Library\PaymentMyfatoorahApiV2;

class MyFatoorahController extends Controller {

    public $mfObj;

     * create MyFatoorah object
    public function __construct() {
        $this->mfObj = new PaymentMyfatoorahApiV2(config('myfatoorah.api_key'), config('myfatoorah.country_iso'), config('myfatoorah.test_mode'));

     * Create MyFatoorah invoice
     * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
    public function index() {
        try {
            $paymentMethodId = 0; // 0 for MyFatoorah invoice or 1 for Knet in test mode
            $data            = $this->mfObj->getInvoiceURL($this->getPayLoadData(), $paymentMethodId);

            return response()->json(['IsSuccess' => 'true', 'Message' => 'Invoice created successfully.', 'Data' => $data]);
        } catch (\Exception $e) {
            return response()->json(['IsSuccess' => 'false', 'Message' => $e->getMessage()]);

     * @param int|string $orderId
     * @return array
    private function getPayLoadData($orderId = null) {
        $callbackURL = route('myfatoorah.callback');

        return [
            'CustomerName'       => 'FName LName',
            'InvoiceValue'       => '10',
            'DisplayCurrencyIso' => 'KWD',
            'CustomerEmail'      => '[email protected]',
            'CallBackUrl'        => $callbackURL,
            'ErrorUrl'           => $callbackURL,
            'MobileCountryCode'  => '+965',
            'CustomerMobile'     => '12345678',
            'Language'           => 'en',
            'CustomerReference'  => $orderId,
            'SourceInfo'         => 'Laravel ' . app()::VERSION . ' - MyFatoorah Package ' . MYFATOORAH_LARAVEL_PACKAGE_VERSION

     * Get MyFatoorah payment information
     * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
    public function callback() {
        try {
            $data = $this->mfObj->getPaymentStatus(request('paymentId'), 'PaymentId');

            if ($data->InvoiceStatus == 'Paid') {
                $msg = 'Invoice is paid.';
            } else if ($data->InvoiceStatus == 'Failed') {
                $msg = 'Invoice is not paid due to ' . $data->InvoiceError;
            } else if ($data->InvoiceStatus == 'Expired') {
                $msg = 'Invoice is expired.';
            return response()->json(['IsSuccess' => 'true', 'Message' => $msg, 'Data' => $data]);
        } catch (\Exception $e) {
            return response()->json(['IsSuccess' => 'false', 'Message' => $e->getMessage()]);



MyFtoorah Library

MyFatoorah Laravel-Package uses the MyFatoorah Library composer package. Check the PHP library to help you Customize your Laravel website.

Merchant Configurations

Edit the config/myfatoorah.php file with your correct vendor data.

  • Live Configuration: set "test_mode" with "false" and use your live token.
  • Test Configuration: set "test_mode" with "true" and use the test token. Also, use the list of test cards to explore the payment process.

return [
     * API Token Key
     * Live Token:
     * Test Token:
    'api_key' => '',
     * Test Mode
     * Accepted value: 'true' for the test mode or 'false' for the live mode
    'test_mode' => true,
     * Country ISO Code
     * Accepted value: KWT, SAU, ARE, QAT, BHR, OMN, JOD, or EGY.
    'country_iso' => 'KWT'