Source Files

  • You can download the last plugin version from the official CS-Cart site.

Installation Steps

Kindly follow the below steps for installing the CS-Cart extension:

  1. Login into your CS-Cart admin panel. Navigate to Add-ons, then Manage add-ons.
  2. Click on the (+) icon in the upper right corner.
  3. Choose Local and Select the file.
  4. Click on the Upload & install button.
  5. The MyFatoorah plugin will appear on the Add-ons list
  6. Click on the Install button.

Merchant Configurations

In the CS-Cart Admin Panel, configure the plugin with the credentials as follows:

  1. Login into your CS-Cart admin panel and navigate to Add-ons → Manage add-ons → MyFatoorah.
  2. Click on MyFatoorah Name to load the configuration page, then open the Settings tab.
  3. Select the Vendor's Country Option.
  4. Mark the Test Mode checkbox if you are in the test mode.
  5. Fill in the API Token Key, and click on Save.

step 2


step 3 and 4

Demo Configuration:
Please enable the test mode and use demo token.
You can use the list of test cards to explore the payment process.

Live Configuration:
Please disable the test mode and use your live token.

Upgrade MyFatoorah Package

In the CS-Cart Admin Panel, configure the plugin with the credentials as follows:

  1. Login to your CS-Cart admin panel and navigate to AdministrationUpgrade Center.
  2. In the MyFatoorah section, click the download button and wait to finish downloading.
  3. Press the install button.
  4. Click on I agree and continue from the Warning pop-up window.
  5. The Successful Add-on "MyFatoorah" has been upgraded successfully message will show up, and the MyFatoorah upgrade package will be listed on the Installed upgrades tab.
  6. Navigate to AdministrationStorefronts and switch your site status to ON.

step 2


step 3


step 4


step 5


step 6