

Source Files

Install the MyFatoorah Laravel package via myfatoorah/laravel-package composer.

composer require myfatoorah/laravel-package

Installation steps

  1. Publish the MyFatoorah provider using the following CLI command.
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="MyFatoorah\LaravelPackage\MyFatoorahServiceProvider" --tag="myfatoorah"
  1. To test the payment cycle, type the below URL onto your browser. Replace only the {} with your site domain. You can use the test cards listed on the Test Cards page.
  1. Customize the app/Http/Controllers/MyFatoorahController.php file as per your site needs.

namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Illuminate\Http\Response;
use Illuminate\Contracts\View\View;
use MyFatoorah\Library\MyFatoorah;
use MyFatoorah\Library\API\Payment\MyFatoorahPayment;
use MyFatoorah\Library\API\Payment\MyFatoorahPaymentEmbedded;
use MyFatoorah\Library\API\Payment\MyFatoorahPaymentStatus;
use Exception;

class MyFatoorahController extends Controller {

     * @var array
    public $mfConfig = [];


     * Initiate MyFatoorah Configuration
    public function __construct() {
        $this->mfConfig = [
            'apiKey'      => config('myfatoorah.api_key'),
            'isTest'      => config('myfatoorah.test_mode'),
            'countryCode' => config('myfatoorah.country_iso'),


     * Redirect to MyFatoorah Invoice URL
     * Provide the index method with the order id and (payment method id or session id)
     * @return Response
    public function index() {
        try {
            //For example: pmid=0 for MyFatoorah invoice or pmid=1 for Knet in test mode
            $paymentId = request('pmid') ?: 0;
            $sessionId = request('sid') ?: null;

            $orderId  = request('oid') ?: 147;
            $curlData = $this->getPayLoadData($orderId);

            $mfObj   = new MyFatoorahPayment($this->mfConfig);
            $payment = $mfObj->getInvoiceURL($curlData, $paymentId, $orderId, $sessionId);

            return redirect($payment['invoiceURL']);
        } catch (Exception $ex) {
            $exMessage = __('myfatoorah.' . $ex->getMessage());
            return response()->json(['IsSuccess' => 'false', 'Message' => $exMessage]);


     * Example on how to map order data to MyFatoorah
     * You can get the data using the order object in your system
     * @param int|string $orderId
     * @return array
    private function getPayLoadData($orderId = null) {
        $callbackURL = route('myfatoorah.callback');

        //You can get the data using the order object in your system
        $order = $this->getTestOrderData($orderId);

        return [
            'CustomerName'       => 'FName LName',
            'InvoiceValue'       => $order['total'],
            'DisplayCurrencyIso' => $order['currency'],
            'CustomerEmail'      => '[email protected]',
            'CallBackUrl'        => $callbackURL,
            'ErrorUrl'           => $callbackURL,
            'MobileCountryCode'  => '+965',
            'CustomerMobile'     => '12345678',
            'Language'           => 'en',
            'CustomerReference'  => $orderId,
            'SourceInfo'         => 'Laravel ' . app()::VERSION . ' - MyFatoorah Package ' . MYFATOORAH_LARAVEL_PACKAGE_VERSION


     * Get MyFatoorah Payment Information
     * Provide the callback method with the paymentId
     * @return Response
    public function callback() {
        try {
            $paymentId = request('paymentId');

            $mfObj = new MyFatoorahPaymentStatus($this->mfConfig);
            $data  = $mfObj->getPaymentStatus($paymentId, 'PaymentId');

            $message = $this->getTestMessage($data->InvoiceStatus, $data->InvoiceError);

            $response = ['IsSuccess' => true, 'Message' => $message, 'Data' => $data];
        } catch (Exception $ex) {
            $exMessage = __('myfatoorah.' . $ex->getMessage());
            $response  = ['IsSuccess' => 'false', 'Message' => $exMessage];
        return response()->json($response);


     * Example on how to Display the enabled gateways at your MyFatoorah account to be displayed on the checkout page
     * Provide the checkout method with the order id to display its total amount and currency
     * @return View
    public function checkout() {
        try {
            //You can get the data using the order object in your system
            $orderId = request('oid') ?: 147;
            $order   = $this->getTestOrderData($orderId);

            //You can replace this variable with customer Id in your system
            $customerId = request('customerId');

            //You can use the user defined field if you want to save card
            $userDefinedField = config('myfatoorah.save_card') && $customerId ? "CK-$customerId" : '';

            //Get the enabled gateways at your MyFatoorah acount to be displayed on checkout page
            $mfObj          = new MyFatoorahPaymentEmbedded($this->mfConfig);
            $paymentMethods = $mfObj->getCheckoutGateways($order['total'], $order['currency'], config('myfatoorah.register_apple_pay'));

            if (empty($paymentMethods['all'])) {
                throw new Exception('noPaymentGateways');

            //Generate MyFatoorah session for embedded payment
            $mfSession = $mfObj->getEmbeddedSession($userDefinedField);

            //Get Environment url
            $isTest = $this->mfConfig['isTest'];
            $vcCode = $this->mfConfig['countryCode'];

            $countries = MyFatoorah::getMFCountries();
            $jsDomain  = ($isTest) ? $countries[$vcCode]['testPortal'] : $countries[$vcCode]['portal'];

            return view('myfatoorah.checkout', compact('mfSession', 'paymentMethods', 'jsDomain', 'userDefinedField'));
        } catch (Exception $ex) {
            $exMessage = __('myfatoorah.' . $ex->getMessage());
            return view('myfatoorah.error', compact('exMessage'));


     * Example on how the webhook is working when MyFatoorah try to notify your system about any transaction status update
    public function webhook(Request $request) {
        try {
            //Validate webhook_secret_key
            $secretKey = config('myfatoorah.webhook_secret_key');
            if (empty($secretKey)) {
                return response(null, 404);

            //Validate MyFatoorah-Signature
            $mfSignature = $request->header('MyFatoorah-Signature');
            if (empty($mfSignature)) {
                return response(null, 404);

            //Validate input
            $body  = $request->getContent();
            $input = json_decode($body, true);
            if (empty($input['Data']) || empty($input['EventType']) || $input['EventType'] != 1) {
                return response(null, 404);

            //Validate Signature
            if (!MyFatoorah::isSignatureValid($input['Data'], $secretKey, $mfSignature, $input['EventType'])) {
                return response(null, 404);

            //Update Transaction status on your system
            $result = $this->changeTransactionStatus($input['Data']);

            return response()->json($result);
        } catch (Exception $ex) {
            $exMessage = __('myfatoorah.' . $ex->getMessage());
            return response()->json(['IsSuccess' => false, 'Message' => $exMessage]);

    private function changeTransactionStatus($inputData) {
        //1. Check if orderId is valid on your system.
        $orderId = $inputData['CustomerReference'];

        //2. Get MyFatoorah invoice id
        $invoiceId = $inputData['InvoiceId'];

        //3. Check order status at MyFatoorah side
        if ($inputData['TransactionStatus'] == 'SUCCESS') {
            $status = 'Paid';
            $error  = '';
        } else {
            $mfObj = new MyFatoorahPaymentStatus($this->mfConfig);
            $data  = $mfObj->getPaymentStatus($invoiceId, 'InvoiceId');

            $status = $data->InvoiceStatus;
            $error  = $data->InvoiceError;

        $message = $this->getTestMessage($status, $error);

        //4. Update order transaction status on your system
        return ['IsSuccess' => true, 'Message' => $message, 'Data' => $inputData];

    private function getTestOrderData($orderId) {
        return [
            'total'    => 15,
            'currency' => 'KWD'

    private function getTestMessage($status, $error) {
        if ($status == 'Paid') {
            return 'Invoice is paid.';
        } else if ($status == 'Failed') {
            return 'Invoice is not paid due to ' . $error;
        } else if ($status == 'Expired') {
            return $error;



MyFtoorah Library

MyFatoorah Laravel-Package uses the MyFatoorah Library composer package. Check the PHP library to help you Customize your Laravel website.

Merchant Configurations

Edit the config/myfatoorah.php file with your correct vendor data.

  • Live Configuration: set "test_mode" with "false" and use your live token.
  • Test Configuration: set "test_mode" with "true" and use the test token. Also, use the list of test cards to explore the payment process.

return [
     * API Token Key (string)
     * Accepted value:
     * Live Token:
     * Test Token:
    'api_key' => '',
     * Test Mode (boolean)
     * Accepted value: true for the test mode or false for the live mode
    'test_mode' => true,
     * Country ISO Code (string)
     * Accepted value: KWT, SAU, ARE, QAT, BHR, OMN, JOD, or EGY.
    'country_iso' => 'KWT',
     * Save card (boolean)
     * Accepted value: true if you want to enable save card options.
     * You should contact your account manager to enable this feature in your MyFatoorah account as well.
    'save_card' => true,
     * Webhook secret key (string)
     * Enable webhook on your MyFatoorah account setting then paste the secret key here.
     * The webhook link is: https://{}/myfatoorah/webhook
    'webhook_secret_key' => '',
     * Register Apple Pay (boolean)
     * Set it to true to show the Apple Pay on the checkout page.
     * First, verify your domain with Apple Pay before you set it to true.
     * You can either follow the steps here: or contact the MyFatoorah support team ([email protected]).
    'register_apple_pay' => false