Live Information

For Live credentials, you need to create a new API Account using the below steps:

  1. Open MyFatoorah Portal Site:
  2. Use your Super Master email and password to sign in.
  3. Navigate to Manage Users on the side panel menu then select Create User.
  4. Fill in user details. Don't use the Super Master email.
  5. Select API in the Roles section.
  6. Click on the register button.
  7. You will receive a "Change Password" email to the registered email.
  8. Set the new password by clicking on the "Change Password Now" button.
  9. Make sure that you are able to login into the MyFatoorah Portal Site with API credentials before completing the configuration process.
  10. Use this API account (email and password) in the admin panel to complete the configuration.

After you get your API user username and password, use them into your live environment side together with the live gateway URL as shown below table: